Scam Alert

Scam Alert

The Crypto Service Authority team collected information about an organization engaged in suspicious activity, including imitating our source and using our logo, as well as other individual information, in order to conduct fraudulent activities on our behalf.

Our team has been alerted to a fraudulent organization posing as Crypto Service Authority. The main tools of deception are the use of our logo and descriptions to convince customers of their authenticity. Please note that a fake company may also use similar services and information. But unlike our activities, personal accounts registered through fraudsters are not protected. Consequently, for all funds that clients use to conduct trading operations with “Fake” CSA agents, funds are more than likely to be stolen.

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We strongly recommend you read and follow our instructions, which can protect you from scammers pretending to be our service. Crypto Service Authority is a self-regulatory organization that is responsible for the following:

  • No additional fees from clients of our member-brokers when they submit the dispute request.
  • Not service brokers who are not listed as our members and haven’t passed special verification. Be sure to check the broker you are going to partner with in our member database.
  • Establish communication with you only after receiving your application through any form indicated on the site. We do not make “cold” calls or emails.
  • Any initiation of the dispute resolution procedure occurs only through filling out a special form on the site by the client.

If you have not submitted a request or contacted us in any way available, but received a letter or call from representatives claiming to be Crypto Service Authority consultants, please contact us at immediately. Under no circumstances provide any personal data until you contact us. Such actions will protect you from fraudulent activities by a fake organization.